Monday, January 30, 2012

Semester Reflection

Congratulations! You've made it halfway through the semester and in five months you'll be graduating high school!!! For the following entry, I'd like you to reflect on the semester, with each reflection being a minimum of 5 sentences.

1) Reflect on your final grade in this class. What will you do to either keep the grade you received or how will you genuinely work to improve your grade in this class? (minimum of 5 sentence reflection).
My final grade in this class was an A. To keep this grade through the next semester I would have to keep on working hard. I will do all my work that is assigned and turn it in on time. I will keep up to date with my teacher on the day I am absent. Overall I will try my hardest to keep my A until the day I walk the stage.

2) What was your favorite project this past semester and why? What was your least favorite project and why?(minimum of 5 sentence reflection).
My favorite project was the "iPod" silhouette. It was a good and fun activity as we got the opportunity to wear our project. The least project I liked was the documentary film on the 99% protest. I didn't like it because it was kind of confusing at first and not all our group would collaborate.

3) How has your senior year been so far? Are you working towards your goals of graduating? If yes, what are you doing to making sure you stay on track? If no, what has been stopping you from reaching the goal of graduating?(minimum of 5 sentence reflection).
My senior year has been stressing, too many things have been coming up at once that I have to make a decision on. Yes, I am working as hard as I can to keep up with all my work and trying to redo the classes I have to so not only I can graduate but so I can be A-G for college. 

4) What are you looking forward to most about graduating high school? (minimum of 5 sentence reflection).
I am looking forward to looking at all my hard work being payed off. I am also looking forward to starting college. This is all for the better of my future. I am also looking forward to making my parents proud and giving my sisters an example and giving my brother a push so he can strive for more.

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