Original Photo
Landscape Photo
Water Color Painting
Artist Statement
by: Mayra Palencia
Through all of my accomplishments I came to the conclusion that my house is the one memorable thing I have in Hayward. Other then that Hayward is just another city in the whole world. Its a place where I always can be at. It's a place where I can spend it with my family. It's our very own shelter we all living in.
My house is a place where I have been at the whole time I have lived out here in Hayward. We have remodeled that house to our own comfort. Even though it is not all ours yet we all basically adapted to it like if it was really all ours. We all just have a special place we come to everyday and it is a place I call home. My home is a comfort living where I have basically grown up in since I was two years old. It's the first place I miss when i'm out of town.
This house is a place where all the friends and family gather on special occasions and events. We all use the minimum excuse to just make a barbecue and or a simple kick back with all the family and friends. When the whole family reunites I get a great feeling knowing that we all get along amongst each others. My family is the closest thing I have to me. We all just have a good time together laughing and smiling and sharing stuff amongst each other.
Even though I can't take the house with me I will always have in mind all the beautiful memories I have gone through in that place I call home. When I get my own place I am going to make sure I make it as special as this one, but I sure won't ever forget this place. There is too many memories in that house that when I move out I am sure going to miss it. This is a place I will always keep in mind, a place that reminds me of Hayward, a place I call home.